Thursday, October 15, 2015

Why do younger women love older men so much?

Dating can be challenging, stressful, and difficult. Especially for young women, it’s easy to feel that there are many fish in the sea – and they are all terrible, immature, insecure, and unstable fishes. That’s why younger women love older men. Many young women find that men their age are simply not able to meet their emotional and intellectual needs – however, much like a bottle of fine wine or a pungent cheese, older men have aged to perfection, and as a result, younger women love older men.

So why do younger women love older men so much?

Older Men are More Mature
It’s a proven fact that men and women mature at different rates, and women reach maturity faster than men. An older man is able to provide a more settled, stable relationship that younger women desire, whereas a younger man is still “sowing his wild oats,” as it were. Relationships with older men tend to be more settled and stable, providing younger women with a sense of security that she just can’t find with her peers.

Older Men are More Experienced
It’s always a good idea to be with someone who improves you as a person, who elevates you. One reason of younger women loving older men is because an older man has more life experience – more longevity in his career, more life experiences, and more experience with relationships. That brings a maturity to the table that most women find desirable. There is less unpredictability, and the varying experiences older men have provide a greater depth and intellect. Plus, older men are more experienced in relationships with women, which means that they are more in tune to your emotional and physical needs than younger men.

Older Men are More Respectful
Any woman who has been around men in their early 20’s has gotten a sense that men are not about long term, serious relationships, but more about “scoring.” Younger men tend to want only one thing, and aren’t interested in committing or settling down. However, an older man has had the chance to grow out of that phase of life, and is more likely treat you with the respect that you deserve. Not only that, but if you are looking for long-term commitment and a stable partnership, older men are able to provide that much more willingly and comfortably than a younger man, who may be struck with restlessness and wanderlust.

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