Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Older Men Dating Younger Women: The Ways Modern Younger Women Prefer to Date

Dating has changed dramatically over the years. It has slowly evolved into something new and unique. Older guys may just know some traditional ways, like old adage dinner, a movie, gift giving and etc. But it is no longer the most accepted dating practice. This especially holds true if an older man is dating a younger woman. Younger women tend to be a little shallow, but basically, women are all looking for the same things. It typically boils down to stability, and good looks never hurt either.

Make it Fun
Younger women are interested in having fun. Many younger women don’t have children and it shows through in their care free life style. This is all the more reason to make it fun. Dinner and a movie is boring. Try something new. Do something she’s always wanted to try or vice versa. Even better yet, find something you have in common and do it together. Above all make it fun and avoid boredom.

Flatter Her on FB
All women love flattery but this younger generation takes the cakes. They are so connected with their social identities that it stands to reason, they should be incorporated. Don’t get creepy with it but reach out on social media once or twice. Maybe she’s into Facebook or Tumbler. Find out about her. Text her but keep it light and fun. The younger generation has a different set of values than older ones did. Don’t try to appeal to white picket fences.

Don’t Jump Right In
Younger women tend to be a bit more cautious than their older counterparts. They want to have fun and take it slow. Just because they have dated someone a few times, doesn’t necessarily mean they are ready for a serious relationship. Keep this in mind. Younger women of today are whimsical and independent. They don’t want to be micromanaged.

Keep these things in mind when dating a younger woman. Always keep it fun, never boring. Skip the dinner and a movie thing, it just doesn’t work anymore. Flatter her on social media but not too much. You don’t want to come off creepy. Above all just take it slow and keep it light. Modern women aren’t always looking for a serious relationship right away. They would rather move slowly with the right person. It just seems to work better for them. Definitely don’t try to micromanage her, which is the easiest way to get rid of her quickly.

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