Monday, November 2, 2015

Reasons of younger women seeking older men

Relationships aren’t just about intimacy and sexual interest. Yes, contemporary society and popular culture in particular seem determined to sexualize almost every aspect of many people’s modern lives. However, just as the majority of older women seeking younger men often settle down into long term, emotionally and intellectually significant relationships with younger partners, so do the majority of younger women seeking older men. It is no secret after all, that women mature emotionally much faster than their male counterparts. Younger men in this case, are notorious at turning seemingly significant relationships with women their own age into emotional roller-coaster rides, upon which many women ultimately get burned at the end.

Women looking for older men in this case, is often about much more than just intimacy. Older men are more emotionally mature. Likewise, older men are often much more grounded intellectually and know what they want from life. Even better, older men are often much more confident.

However, younger women seeking older men is also often just as much about stability. Yes, there is likely always going to be the stereotype of the proverbial ‘gold digger.’ However, what we often forget is that in many relationships between young men and women their own age, one partner is often required to make certain sacrifices in order to support the other. Moreover, it’s no secret that it is often the woman in the relationship who makes the most sacrifices.

Whether it’s through young women sacrificing their own career development, education, or personal ambitions in order to support their partners, or simply by virtue of disproportionate home and work life balances, younger women often loose out in relationships.

Youngerwomen seeking older men is rarely in this case, just about the stereotype of monetary stability. Rather, younger women seeking older men is often just as much about pursuing the chance to be with someone who they likely won’t be required to make such sacrifices for. In fact, instead of sacrificing anything, younger women are often supported by older male partners who understand just how vital that support can be.

Younger women seeking older men and entering into long term relationships often find those relationships much better balanced emotionally, something which might be why relationships between younger women and older men endure better in many cases, than relationships between younger women and men their own age. 

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